In our acupuncture sessions, we’ll work together to awaken certain archetypes or inner strengths that life’s circumstances may not have naturally activated within you. These archetypes can include the nurturing qualities of the mother, the structure of the father, the feeling of a safe inner home, the ability to make decisions, or even the capacity for mourning. Through acupuncture, we’ll tap into these vital resources, allowing you to reconnect with aspects of yourself that may have been neglected or suppressed.
For example, if you’ve never experienced a warm and welcoming home, that doesn’t mean you can’t cultivate that feeling within yourself and share it with others. Any experience in life can be reshaped. Sometimes, our view of the world becomes clouded by past experiences that block our ability to feel joy or connect with others. Together, we can work to clear those clouds and create a deeper sense of well-being.
To return to our authentic, original selves. Traumatic events, a lack of support, or insufficient emotional resources can cloud and distort our feelings, experiences, and aspirations, leaving us disconnected from who we truly are. In an effort to protect us, our bodies desensitize us, but in doing so, they don’t just block the negative—they also dull our ability to fully enjoy life, feel empowered, or experience love.
Our work is about processing what has happened and restoring our senses and emotions to their natural state—free from anxiety, discomfort after eating!!!, or fear of relationships. My personal journey through therapy is driven by a desire to rediscover my true self. I feel like I’m polishing away the layers, revealing a person filled with compassion, love, understanding, and wisdom—a version of myself that I truly enjoy being with.
As I process the painful parts of myself, which I can now handle with the resources I’ve gained, I feel those parts becoming closer and more integrated. Your relationship with yourself is the one that will last a lifetime. So why not make it the most beautiful connection you can have?
Our journey will take us deep into the subconscious, where many of our unprocessed experiences and emotions are stored. Once we’ve discussed your goals and the direction of the therapy, we’ll begin with a period focused on building your emotional “resources.”
During this initial phase, treatments will focus on creating stability, emotional warmth, and resilience. Often, trauma leaves a lasting impact because we lacked the resources to cope with certain events at the time. As children, for instance, we may not have known how to protect ourselves or meeting our needs . Now, as adults, you have the opportunity to nurture and defend that inner child and you can become that nurtured parent you needed. Acupuncture, combined with this resource-building phase, will provide the foundation you need to process and heal from past wounds.
You will guide the pace of your therapy. If treatments feel too intense or too gentle, we will adjust them to match your emotional capacity at that moment. Acupuncture treatments often trigger shifts in perception, emotions, and physical sensations over the following days. As we build your emotional resources, you may unlock memories or experiences stored deep in the subconscious. The brain will only release these hidden layers when you are ready, ensuring you are never overwhelmed by the process. Our brain will not decode memories that overwhelm us, because it wants to protect us and keep us stable.
After each session, we will reflect on any new insights, emotions, or physical sensations that come to surface. These shifts will guide our work together, pointing us to areas that need attention. For instance, if feelings of anger, sadness, or emptiness arise, they reveal where deeper healing is needed. If you notice an emotional void, our next session we will fill that space with resources that bring balance and healing.
After an acupuncture session, you may experience symptoms like migraines, herpes outbreaks, or bile crises. These “healing crises” are signs that your body is beginning to address an internal imbalance. When this happens, it means the underlying emotional cause is being processed, manifesting as physical symptoms. While this may feel uncomfortable, it’s a positive indication that healing is underway.
For example, a migraine after treatment might signal that the body is working to resolve a deeper issue. Over time, these symptoms may lessen or disappear. Healing crises are the body’s way of releasing long-held emotions, and while they are encouraging, they can also feel intense. You may experience strong emotions like anger, or physical reactions like fatigue, migraines, or red eyes.
If you experience any of these symptoms after treatment, it’s a sign your body is responding to the therapy. These reactions indicate your body is processing emotions or imbalances it has held onto for a long time.
If you notice any of these symptoms following an acupuncture treatment, it is a sign that your body is responding to the therapy. These symptoms are a direct result of the treatment and indicate that your body is beginning to heal by processing the emotions or imbalances it has been holding onto.
In the first part of the therapy, depending on how many resources are needed, how many treatments are needed until we find the more painful things. It’s like a digging process, until we have all the resources to look at what’s there. If you still don’t feel the emotional upheaval, it means you still need resources to get there. Our brain will never unlock something that is too overwhelming for us, it is a method of protection.
© 2019—
Doctor Acupuncture is the name of the venture started by Ana.
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